past few weeks, we are missing something rue Condorcet. Indeed, in recent years, about 9 o'clock, whistled a few notes we announced the arrival imminent mail in our mailbox. Leave long illness, Bernard Pagis, factor Plover has agreed to give us a few moments of his life.
Your start date of mailing when?
I joined The Post June 26, 1972, after training SEN administration, to Segre. I almost joined the BNP, but this does not happen. But I do not regret my job at the post office even though I struggled physically less because the human relations side of me fully satisfied. I spent the assistance of the Post in January 1972, held at the Institut Catholique in the great hall. It's funny that my last tour is one that runs along the hall.
There were many candidates?
approximately 50 000 nationally. They took 10 000. The former were soon hired.
What was your rank?
391 th, it was not bad, so I went in the month of June. They were selected on various subjects such as geography, dictation. I remember my father coming to tell me the result. He was proud of me, I think, definitely happy.
What was the profession of your parents?
My father was a schoolteacher. My mother raised his six children, was the penultimate.
And after the competition?
I went to the adventure. I was taken to the station, then train to Versailles. It was a little landing. There was a rally with speeches and lunch. They were numerous. Then hop on the bus tour in the Paris region. We were dispensed into the various offices of the Paris region, some with their bikes. I had to be assigned to the Office of Coal, in the Yvelines and finally it was decided that it would Maisons Laffite, I do not know why else. What, finally, was no worse for me because it was a little less fat and then there was a park, a racetrack. It was less the big city for me, the small provincial who lived in St. Augustine Hood.
was amazing. I entered the post office, knowing there is nothing. I had never seen the inside of a post office and I found myself there, not knowing what to do before all those bins iron. Luckily it was supported by the oldest, there was solidarity.
I did not even know where I sleep. It is an ancient, Pepe, his name, which at 16 hours, asked me where I was sleeping. He asked one of his colleagues if he could not put me up for the night. A man named Caillaud.
There was no support from the Post Office?
No, it was the adventure, the great discovery. The friend lived in the park. I accompanied him, I ate with him and his family. Then the next day they showed me the tour. I went with a chef who had a tour because he had to be adapted in the office. For several days, then I replaced it. At first I was a little into trouble because before acquiring the dexterity, the purpose of classification, it takes time.
You received no training?
Nothing. We learned on the job. There was a guy from Bordeaux, Marseille.
It started at 6:30. There was a great atmosphere for all from the provinces, we helped each other. There was little Stanislas, so named because he was from Nancy, (referring to Lesczczynski Stanislas, former king of Poland, who ended his life in Lorraine) , a Guadeloupean ...
Then I rented a room in a good old lady companion who lived in America. There was just enough to make the bed, a jug of water to the toilet. It cost me about 15o francs when my salary was 800 at the time.
How long did you stay at Maison-Laffitte?
5 years. As I had been driving, I did for almost a year to service the telegraph. Which disabled me for tenure, which took place after a year's apprenticeship, because I do not know very well the sort, not doing the routine work of a factor. That's how I was rewarded for being kind enough to troubleshoot. Luckily it ended well because they have agreed to arrange for me to test the sorting.
You go often to Paris?
Not much. I returned some Once in Anjou and then did not have much money. I met my wife there. I met her by fetching my bread because she worked in a bakery.
Then I hoped to return to Anjou. I moved to Los Angeles itself, the Rally first, then in pre-fabricated near the Bamako office where I still am.
What has changed about your job? Finally
not much because the procedures remain the same. Except that now the mail arrives, sorted by tour factor. The factor must sort their mail based on its distribution. Before you had to know all street names across the sector in order to sort correctly as the courier was to be distributed according to tour the different factors. What changes is the length of tours that are becoming longer.
You were assigned to what tour?
Twice a year, you can "buy a round" which is released. Finally, we say buy it but would say acquire because there is no money at stake is based on seniority. So I "bought" the 106, which started Street Fulton Street Alberic Dubois finally to the street Eble. I did it for 24 years. I knew every grain of sand or almost.
you whistle now?
Always, from the beginning. Some older I regret for that, because the replacement does not whistle. I like the life I am naturally happy and then people do not face your mood swings. We participate in people's lives. We see marry, others who are leaving, some die. I've even monitor a home or at the request of owners who were absent regularly. I had to make sure there was nothing unusual.
It is a daily part of some as the sun rises.
Do you have noticed a change in attitude among people over the years?
No, it really depends on the character of the people. There are always nice people and others who ignore you. I remember a house 25 years ago, where I had to take my coffee every morning. They were old men who were waiting with the little pot on the fire. Sometimes you
necessarily short stories.
You know a lot of things we were finally
oath not to disclose the information we collect necessarily just by seeing the name of the sender.
You've always been on the bike?
Yes, we should get ourselves our bike. My first was not appropriate at all. I had a brother with that of the handlebars and small intestines, it was not suitable but as I knew nothing. The Post gave us a small allowance to buy the bike. We bought it from a colleague who was leaving. After the company gave us the yellow bike with gears that you know.
Is it a lonely business?
No, not really because there is a period of sorting in the morning which lasts about 2to 3 hours. Here we are with his colleagues. Then during the tour, we encounter the public.
A good tour for you is ... one that does not coasts?
If there is only the dish, yes, because there are rounds where the ribs are tough and the weight is more difficult. But for me, this is not the most important. Me, I prefer the human touch so large impersonal buildings with rows of mailboxes are difficult to decipher, this is not what I prefer. Like the streets with homes where there is human contact. My last tour, yours, the result of yet another restructuring. Like I had previously found himself still overburdened I preferred change. There are some who are doing better than others which is why you can see some bikes Post near a pub while other factors have little time to hang out because their current tour is long. But the streets of Sydney was one of my former tour. It's been almost ten years that I pass. Three bags, for three hours. Finally, until this latest restructuring, which was a little disjointed because she was still lying. The divisions are not always fair, fairness is often absent.
Then there were my health problems. I needed more than two hours of nap to recover. 4 hours and a half every morning, 6 / 7, it is wearing. We have concerns shoulder, tendinitis, back problems as me.
Factor Is a figure of the urban landscape ?
Yes, we do local color. We especially appreciate the former, because we did a bit of office at our level. But with the new generation, I do not know if this will be the same as attitudes change. Work is work. And then there are neighborhoods so funny because there may have even rudeness cuts.
How do you see your role as a messenger?
It brings good news and bad news. Fortunately there are still letters love that smell good. It is certain that the cards, for example, are decreasing. With new technologies, I do not know how this will evolve, but the last two or three years, much less distributed greeting cards. It is the English who seem loyal to the wishes manuscripts. Before, we feared this time she was so overloaded. There were four, five days to recover afterwards. But it was more than happy to distribute handwritten letters as the pub. Sometimes it is as happy as one who receives the letter as desired. I remember this lady who was awaiting a letter from his daughter who was in China. You should have seen her smile when I gave him the letter expected. Such a smile makes you want to continue.
And now?
I get up later, around 7 or 8 hours. You get used quickly. The work I do not miss. I just wish the nice side of human contact.