E mboîtant way to Marine Le Pen on the book by Frederic Mitterrand " The bad life," Benoit Hamon has surprised many by condemning the writings of a "minister-consumer" and judging "shocking" , "q u'u nh o m I can justify to the shelter of a literary narrative, sex tourism ", triggering a new storm in the ranks of the Socialist Party.
What is surprising indeed this is not gossip or rumors of such other customary among the extreme right but an echo among Leftists. Yet it is not about to comment on the excerpts in question nor the statements of each other but to think from this controversy over the report public / private through here the body of a politician. Some authors like Patrice Flichy reported this slow shift of public space to private space. Richard Sennett, meanwhile, in his book, "The tyrannies of intimacy", was the finding of the decline of group shows in favor of entertainment for private use and used the expression " privacy public. Here, what happens there ? The book, released almost five years ago , not provoked so little fuss and was greeted by some critics . But since the author became a minister and his body, so private, even if it was unveiled to the public through this story went public as political. In other words, the body of a policy is it private or public? Should we not distinguish what pertains to intimacy, the sex lives of politicians, which is private, posture body thereof.
It may be noted that there had recently jamming because the bodies of Nicolas Sarkozy and Barack Obama on the beach have toured the newsroom. By posture, I mean this body that the President of the French exhibits on the beach or further afield, that of Valery Giscard d'Estaing playing football. These images are similar to those of John Kennedy at the helm of his sailboat, the shirtless, displaying the strong body, synonymous with youth embodies a new policy, a guarantee of modernity.
Political life continues to customize, is a corruption so far and it is she a danger to democracy? The body becomes more important than the program? Or is it just a new staging of the body's physical power? Like the Roman emperors or kings of the French. What changes is that the flesh, absent, this becomes very close to the trivialization.
The individualization movement blurs the boundaries between public and private life, especially in the entertainment media and debate but also affects increasingly political communication that sees its players look the staging of the individual, personal speech, even the confession. Prior to the initial person in front of the political action was seen as a degradation or corruption of an authentic public sphere (Habermas). This is called drift populist demagoguery. It would then wonder as does Eric Maigret on possible forms of political personalization and interpret the phenomenon .
Finally, how in a society marked by public pressure (a host on the Internet according lyncheuse Finkielkraut) and the complexity of the issues for both elected responsible for solving problems and represent heterogeneous populations, this customization may appear to the public a means to judge their representatives?
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