Noron interview in which he gives his opinion on the matter Cassez
NOROÑA expressed for the first time on the case Cassez.
note, at one point the interview is cut, move the cursor to continue listening.
portion of the interview on Florence is 0:48:00.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Can You Get Shingles In Your. Elbow
La democracia, esa falsedad
Por Hermann Bellinghausen (La Jornada)
In toda clase of países, de primera y tercera por igual, estos días extiende is the certidumbre, a escala Explosiva of that llevamos demasiado time under a phony, a hypocrite and a liar, a concept of what is meant by democracy (and its delightful name: Western).
Nowhere is true that the people sent , even in civilized nations, from Wisconsin to Milan. And not just in the streets of Greece and Egypt are baked beans.
Por Hermann Bellinghausen (La Jornada)
In toda clase of países, de primera y tercera por igual, estos días extiende is the certidumbre, a escala Explosiva of that llevamos demasiado time under a phony, a hypocrite and a liar, a concept of what is meant by democracy (and its delightful name: Western).
Nowhere is true that the people sent , even in civilized nations, from Wisconsin to Milan. And not just in the streets of Greece and Egypt are baked beans.
been too long. And too abuse. The major global concerns, which are certainly pillars and guarantors of "democracy" in the free world, do not hesitate to sweep the jungles of Ecuador. Larger firms, MNCs, transconinentales, governments hold up in Washington and Paris. Petroleum mining, pharmaceutical, financial, arms, high technology, food, entertainment, energy. Mandan on Wall Street, Shanghai, Dubai and the City. Decide what is democratic and what or whom, no. They often work for the police, judges and hosts.
corporate capitalism, a true world government, is the most undemocratic in the world
. Sophisticated control mechanisms and atrocious kept in line by millions of people around the world, who must obey as zombies, without question .
I do not even have been in force laws that legitimized the rights of workers and farmers organization, strikes, social security .
was the case of Mexico I do not even have been in force laws that legitimized the rights of workers and farmers organization, strikes, social security .
. Even at average levels of major corporations are all chained to the wheel of one or two families who inherit the golden throne from father to son. What is to be a Slim, a Azcarraga, a Garza Sada.
And they are defending democracy and the finance . Not only exploit million direct employees, underemployed or slaves along the corporate chain spreads its tentacles over the entire planet .
Also, deprive to those who are not employees (in the case of indigenous peoples in Latin America). They dominate the industry destructive, predatory, that only goes after the gold bullion in order to accounts
. But as profitable conservatism, environmental services or the carbon debt, are now "green" Shell, Ford, Lockhead, Monsanto and other vandals universal.
. But as profitable conservatism, environmental services or the carbon debt, are now "green" Shell, Ford, Lockhead, Monsanto and other vandals universal.
These domes put or break presidents, starting with the United States . In Mexico, the national government works for them at least since 1988, Salinas de Gortari. And today more than ever, when country ownership deliver the finished Felipe Calderón more multinationals, a few families in Spain, Canada and China , either directly with the Board of Directors, or through the consent of Washington. Zedillo and Fox not tried anything different, for something they settled well in top gear in the monstrous machinery of anti-democracy that is corporate capitalism metanacional .
Noam Chomsky and Ralph Nader have compared brilliantly today's corporations with Nazi organization. Capitalism "advanced" is on fire Iraq and Afghanistan to promote "democracy" or business. Everyone, even the government "enemies", belong to the international financial system. And when they fall freeze accounts or withdraw their visas. spent with friends tyrants Tunisia and Egypt, but also that of Libya. Just an oversight could happen in the "democratic" allies such Colombia, Honduras and Mexico.
Democracy is a bad circus . in France is governed by a jester, a buffoon in Italy (but magnate), in Russia supermacho. U.S. went from a brazen cattle rustlers in the Bush the puppet talkative and embarrassed today. companies are those that guarantee democracy, discipline.
What about justice hypocrisy in Sweden, willing to obey a vengeance Washington Julian Assange surrendering so suit their interests? patterns are few, they always . dynasties of the capital. No one speaks seriously of kings and blue blood. Are the magnates, their mergers, wills and opinions, which defines the scales of power in today's world . On the board of business of these companies, so accurately described by Joseph Conrad in Heart of Darkness 100 years ago (1911), we are all disposable , migratable, collateral.
If people do not care, what they're importing the Earth itself to the handful of Western democracy dictators . If it is they who define and punish, with claims and treaties, "democracies" as the Mexican, Honduran and Colombian, and for good so they suit their interests, something is rotten at the root . If no change from down the order, nothing is resolved. Nothing remains but to reinvent democracy in that other world where businesses can obedezcan, Local No. Quite lo lo general, la gente y la vida sea decided prioridades, no negocio.
Source: PocaMadreNews
What Do Gums Look Like Teething
Keraly Hughes confirmed and signed on AgoraVox
"Attempts to extortion and kidnappings are frequent, mainly in the Federal District of Mexico City and State of Morelos (
This proves that you never set foot in Mexico and that you do not speak knowingly
The 7 points of the charge, translated Survey!
1. Florence Marie Louise Break Crepin, born in Lille 17 November 1974, a French national, was arrested in Mexico on December 8, 2005
2. In the charming country villa of Israel Vallarta
(he was renting it was not him) 3. Cassez, interviewed by the Mexican police, recognizes the ranch like Las Chinitas be his personal residence in Mexico since October 2005. It further states work in a Mexico City hotel (Fiesta Americana), where she performs the duties of hostess "upstairs VIP. She informed officers she has for this purpose in the city center of a small apartment provided by the management function of the institution and that his monthly income, in this last job, include seasonal bonuses. Its net income change at that time (according to him) between 5000 and 7000 pesos per month: about 360 € in the national range of "average salary". - Add that Cassez itself says
December 8, 1995 (2005, not 1995! Anything ...)
(1000 pesos or more so ...)
6. In Mexico, where public opinion harshly condemning our fellow
Florence Break. (same thing if she is released she will return to France ...) 8. Confessions of Israel and its accomplices Vallarta
9. Cristina Rios Valladares, Principal Witness in Case Break, dare not confirm his accusations openly before the Mexican press: she even fled his country, claiming that the gang Zodiacos - very partially dismantled with the arrest of the head - could seeking revenge on her person and her son Cristian ... Anything!
* 1. The reasons for the intimate conviction of Mexican judges (censored in France since the beginning of the Affair),
Yes, enough insults, fatwas, screaming, slander
Another crappy article on AgoraVox Keraly of Hughes. Decidedly it must be paid by the Mexican government to tell bullshit one. Here is his letter, the comments in blue Mexican Reality: Case Break: the pros and cons, you be the judge!
Police and Justice Mexican would they completely and hopelessly corrupted to the point of buying false testimony, torturing to death of "defendants" picked at random roads and invent accomplices exist not? (yes, we have seen in the Cassis and many other cases like that of native accused of having kidnapped six policemen) Cassez would it the scapegoat of a sinister plot of to Mexico, to prepare the 2012 presidential elections, scoring points against the Mexican banditry ?
(of course, nobody doubts but you) Here are the pros and cons, facts, places, dates, the motivations of judges and indignation of Defense: You be the judge!
First, a word from the context,
... and not our words! "In Mexico, the fight against organized crime, the state launched a major offensive backed the army and police. Violent clashes between gangs of drug traffickers and gun battles between security forces and said bands can sometimes affect people not involved.
( that's the info! )
"In big cities, crime has risen sharply in recent years. It is especially high in Mexico City (it does not say when Mexico City is well known but Mexico Mexico DF, big mistake to say Mexico City, there is Mexico, not U.S.) and in cities near the border of the United States. The actions of pickpockets, thefts, pickpocketing and armed assaults on public roads and public transport are frequent.
(we can see that you know nothing about Mexico you. Tell us, therefore, kidnappings, executions, beheadings, dismemberment of the body, sticking, roadblocks for drug traffickers, and so on. Here, Link: but not in all of Mexico, it looks like you copied a travel guide like the Lonely Planet)
; the Foreign citizens are also targets. Many abductions lightning during which victims are forced to make withdrawals from bank credit card. "
; the Foreign citizens are also targets. Many abductions lightning during which victims are forced to make withdrawals from bank credit card. "
(Source: Swiss Confederation, site of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs,
"According to the Ministry of Public Security of Mexico (Secretaría de Seguridad Pública) 1 028 kidnappings have occurred in this country in 2008 (you forget the 35 000 murders and executions that have taken place since the arrival of Calderon in power) (...) But for the Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos, Mexico removal of four only be terminated, three quarters of abductions of being part of what is referred there as the dark figure of kidnappings. It is therefore estimated at about 20,000 the number of kidnappings from 2001 to 2008, while throughout Mexico 5140 kidnappings were the subject of a formal complaint. The Civic Institute for Studies on Insecurity believes his side the dark figure eight kidnappings in nine. "
(Source: UNHCR: The UN Refugee Agency, 24/02/2011,
shows us the document ) and the expected trial
on a road to the capital (Mexico City). It is board the vehicle of his "novio" (good friend sustainable in English), Israel Vallarta. The latter is the head chef alleged gang Los Zodiacos, actively sought by Mexican police for several murders and a dozen kidnappings villainous
(gives us the names of murdered personen) in suburban chic Capital. (he was renting it was not him)
- Las Chinitas the ranch, 29 km from Mexico City - Police discovered weapons and munitions of war, reserved for the armed forces, and three hostages handcuffed, locked in an outbuilding of the property, cuarto de servicio: Ezequiel Elizalde (20 years), Cristina Rios Valladares (43 years) his son Cristian (11 years), abducted October 19, 2005 by the band Zodiacos. (false,: Ezequiel was removed before)
December 8, 1995
front of television cameras not have been "shaken" by the Mexican police during the interrogation (really, it was when even hit by Palomino, but ...) where she received a court-appointed lawyer (false, it is precisely this point that his defense) and, like all other foreign defendants, a translator
Franco-Mexican .
(false and completely untrue)
(false and completely untrue)
4. The day after his arrest on bank account No. 4415 4500 7287798/98 Florence Break the Banamex Mexico City has a credit balance of more than 50,000 Mexican Pesos. (shows us a copy of this account. 50 000 pesos is nothing, it's 10 months salary)
5. Among the personal effects of Cassez which "moved his business" (really, now the ranch is no longer his primary residence?) in the car of the "ex-novio" Israel at of his arrest, Mexican police seized a list of 20 names and addresses of wealthy families from the capital, and many amateur photographs on the very friendly reception his parents - Break and Charlotte Bertrand Crepin - Las Chinitas ranch. (Florence It says in his book Shadow of my life) 6. The three hostages mentioned in point 2 testify against Cassez, denounced both day and night by his strong French accent (false, mother and son did not recognize it, Cristina asks police not to strike, given that it has nothing to do)
. They say all three of the guilty (false, read the statements of Cristian and Cristina
of active complicity in their sequestration in the "cabin
of active complicity in their sequestration in the "cabin
(takes 1 N: hut) prisoners", the cuarto de servicio Ranch Las Chinitas. - Categorical, Ezequiel Elizalde said she was wearing a hood and dark glasses when she came to feed them or check the links. - Cristina Rios Valladares and his little boy, for their part, recognize only the timbre and tone of voice, they will long remember ....
(false, that's what was said before the cameras, but this is not the first statement) 7. An important member of the gang Los Zodiacos David Orozco Hernandez (El said Gemini), arrested in May 2009, refers to him as Cassez as responsible for the logistics of the gang and recovery of ransom, alongside Israel Vallarta (false, he was tortured and told a judge does not recognize Cassez. Statement available on ) . - In his statements to police, passed by all major newspapers Mexicans, he states: "Cassez joined us in 2004, and its influence to impose and isolate the leader, or rather be alone with him, have contributed to sow discord within the organization ... His duties in The band consisted of planning the abduction and organize the collection of ransom ... Israel and Florencia were anxious to maintain secrecy vis-à-vis other group members, on potential targets of abductions and the reality of families are obtained hostages ... They felt that this information had no strategic reason to be shared. "(Sources: La Jornada El Universal Radio Trece, El Porvenir, 12-13 May 2008, Mexico City.)
(testimony given under torture) The 10 responses from the defense, provided by the "cons-investigation" of his lawyers
1. Florence Break "protested his innocence" for over five years in prison for women Tepepan (Mexico), despite the poor means of communication available to it again today: the Consul visits and lawyers Loved son of Nicolas Sarkozy and interviews in print, online and on-line granted French press and the Mexican finally published in France of a book-shock, unimpeachable on the brutality and corruption full Police and Justice Mexico: In the shadow of my life (Michel Lafon, 232 pages, 2010). 2. This brutality and corruption are well known to all the American tourists and French citizens living in Mexico, which often increase the administrative propinas (gratuity not justified) to obtain satisfaction, or even drag 10 note Pesos (it there is not no big tickets 10 pesos ... "And you think the cops have let you off if you give them 10 pesos? It is at least 100 pesos to be given)
in their driving to avoid the ticket! Be careful not to want back in this case to the chief post, uttering cries: it will cost 100 Pesos (1000 pesos or more so ...)
, at least, even one night in a cool setting surcharge.
3. Cassez stood out clearly from Israel Vallarta at the material time, as evidenced by his return to Mexico by car, with all his belongings, return that led to the arrest of gang leader. (Parents Florence even claim that it was "separate room" in recent weeks to express his displeasure.)
4. Israel Vallarta, a good band leader clandestine
loaded his weapons of war in the toilet and do s'encagoulait the ranch that night, away from prying eyes, of course
. (LAUGHTER OF DEAD loaded his weapons of war in the toilet and do s'encagoulait the ranch that night, away from prying eyes, of course
: he loaded his weapons of war in the toilet and do that night s'encagoulait =: at night it is dark, why s'encagouler? I'd hooded day ... MDR) It was past master, as some Madoff in the art of diverting attention from its activities (AFTP, bursts out laughing ...) . Florence and her parents believed only "happy business," although he declared himself "used car salesman." (Sic)
5. Cardinal Point
(east or west?) and capital for all the defenders of Florence Break: the arrest of 8 December 2005 has been restored to dawn the following day on December 9 by the Mexican police - who later admitted - in the face several TV Mexican convened for the occasion, all in the clear purpose of serving pre-election propaganda of the Mexican government.
(you may not be using defamation?)
, experts trained office of the episcopate, after a year of sociological and humanitarian state Cassez victim of a diabolical conspiracy government guided by the President right Catholic, nationalist and fachisante: the unsavory Mexican "mistakenly called" Felipe Calderon ... A man who opposes with all his might to abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage and early release of repeat offenders!
, experts trained office of the episcopate, after a year of sociological and humanitarian state Cassez victim of a diabolical conspiracy government guided by the President right Catholic, nationalist and fachisante: the unsavory Mexican "mistakenly called" Felipe Calderon ... A man who opposes with all his might to abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage and early release of repeat offenders!
7. In France, all major political parties, government ministers Fillon and President Sarkozy himself unite their voices to the militant Catholics, Protestants and agnostics (religion has nothing to do with it) countless support committees to demand the release and / or return to France
Florence Break.
were almost certainly obtained under torture, then cleverly hidden face of television cameras, while the testimony of so-called victims were all purchased at the price of gold the Mexican government. (
ah, that's good)
ah, that's good)
9. Cristina Rios Valladares, Principal Witness in Case Break, dare not confirm his accusations openly before the Mexican press: she even fled his country, claiming that the gang Zodiacos - very partially dismantled with the arrest of the head - could seeking revenge on her person and her son Cristian
(hey, you change your mind?) 10. Finally - last but not least - Hugh Kéraly first and leading media lawyer in France of the alleged victims of Cassis, is sidelined for forty years by all his colleagues, as Catholic writer of the worst kind: a monarchist, anti, anti-ecumenical and anti-globalist madman. In the 70 and 80, Mr. sad reactionary polemicist has not hesitated to publicly support Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Vaclav Havel, Mother Teresa, to say nothing of Cardinal Ratzinger and John Paul II, who shared his appreciation for its causes and written ... In today's editorials - "site of meaning researchers" (sic) - this "Christian philosopher" (re-sic) argues without blushing major reforms quinquennium Sarkozy, but sharply criticizes the powers that be about Islam, integration policy, "the homopholie" at school and Taxation "anti-family" of the 2011 budget, no less! Kéraly rest and throughout his work a professional storyteller despicable unscrupulous turn secret agent of the Vatican, Mossad and the CIA (according to which the Service will pay on behalf of the Panamanian larger sums of money): its cons -repeated investigations in Latin America, the gulag of Fidel Castro (Cuba), missing from Chile, Argentine terrorists, civil war in El Salvador, Sandinistas in Nicaragua elections, Amnesty International, and the "liberation theology" have sufficiently established.
You decide!
That Work! - Dear readers, we've taken the time to say everything and for any sum, the greatest objectivity made possible by the passionate atmosphere of the "Cassis". Take time to read everything, and you finally make for yourself a clear idea about the real motivations of the two camps, namely:
* 1. The reasons for the intimate conviction of Mexican judges (censored in France since the beginning of the Affair),
* 2. The value of arguments agitated by family and lawyers Cassez (powerfully relayed in France by power
(with an s please) public, humanitarian organizations, religious leaders and all major media).
(I would say ...)
. If you can read, you be the judge! Hugh Kéraly
Sunday, February 27, 2011
How To Make Your Own Anodes
Posted on 23/02/2011 at 12 : 09 by joelmekhantar
Posted on 23/02/2011 at 12 : 09 by joelmekhantar
Two days before the rejection of the amparo BREAK Florence, the site of the Mexican presidency shows Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, President of the United States from Mexico, spirited dialogue with the President the Supreme Court, Juan Silva Meza.
What will they say? We know nothing except that they refer to the need to enhance collaboration between the executive and the judiciary as shown in the statement accompanying the photo on the presidential website.
This collaboration will until she what Felipe CALDERON has directly lobbied the Mexican justice for the rejection of the amparo Florence BREAK?
That is the conclusion reached ARAIZAIGA Jose Carrasco and Homero CAMPA in a newspaper article entitled "Proceso" Scancale BREAK: everything for Garcia Luna "(February 19, 2011).
Proceso The newspaper reveals that according to leaks from La Residence des Pins (equivalent to the Elysee Palace in Mexico), the secretary of President Calderon told the President of the Supreme Court if Florence BREAK is found innocent, then not only would fall by the Secretary of Public Security, Genaro Garcia Luna, but the Mexican government's fight against organized crime. "It is therefore understandable that in these circumstances of amparo could neither Florence BREAK be seriously considered, nor has let alone succeed.
Yet the case against Florence case is not only empty but it shows a montage of Genaro Garcia Luna sordid and his accomplices with his right arm Luis Cardenas PALOMINO that we recognize the Mexican television report on the arrest of Florence BREAK rigged.
can hypothesize that the AFI did not result in the fight against organized crime ( indeed one wonders who is organizing the crime! ) has produced and directed people presented live like criminals on television.
Florence BREAK is arrested Dec. 8 2005 with her ex-boyfriend while Israel VALLARTA motor. The next day they will be taken to the ranch to be shown on television as live orders. Now, just watch the television to see Reporting PALOMINO Louis Cardenas, Garcia's right-hand LUNA open the door from inside the police making arrests in a so-called direct BREAK Florence while we repeat it, it had been arrested and detained by AFI since December 8, 2005
. Beyond the innocence of Florence BREAK orders that justice can not be established, it is obviously important to explore all legal votes that will ensure the triumph of the human human rights in this case, in particular: .
France can also petition the International Court of Justice of the dispute with Mexico in this folder:
. It is especially important that France continues the authors assemble originally televised in violation of the presumption of innocence of Florence Cass in what appears increasingly like a crime State
. In this regard it is worth remembering that the French Criminal Code. According to Article 113-7 of the Penal Code, "French criminal law applies to any crime and any crime punishable by imprisonment, committed (...) by an alien outside the territory of the Republic where the victim is a French national at the time of the offense
. Genaro Garcia Luna, Director of AFI who mounted the operation staged by the arrest of Florence BREAK, and his right arm, Luis Cardenas PALOMINO
. Genaro Garcia Luna, Director of AFI who mounted the operation staged by the arrest of Florence BREAK, and his right arm, Luis Cardenas PALOMINO
must already be prosecuted before the French courts. The first because it was organized and sponsored this operation and he has acknowledged that it was a fitting before the Mexican television during the broadcast when Florence BREAK called Live from prison denying having was arrested Dec. 9, the latter because it is actually participated as evidenced by the Mexican television report on the arrest pseudo live.
regards Genaro Garcia Luna, is currently Minister, the question arises of the competent criminal court in France because "Government members are criminally liable for acts performed in the exercise of their functions and defined as crimes or offenses when they were committed" (Constitution Art. 68-1). When Mr. Garcia Luna has orchestrated his arrest, he was not yet a minister. Finally he was acting as an agent of a foreign public authority and, in our opinion, it does not fall within the Court of Justice of the Republic but ordinary criminal justice as any foreigner who commits a crime or a crime where the victim is French.
To that the French victim act requires that the offense committed by Genaro Garcia Luna and Luis Cardenas PALOMINO either as a serious offense or whether a crime punishable by imprisonment. In this regard, several provisions of the Penal Code are prima facie applied. We give a short list below.
BREAK Florence was the victim of arbitrary detention , already in breach not only of Article 16 of the Mexican Constitution, but also of Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which is also sanctioned by the French Criminal Code article 224-1
which provides: "The fact without orders of the constituted authorities and except as provided by law, to arrest, kidnap, detention or imprisonment of any person, is punishable twenty years' imprisonment
assumed that lawyers are unable to demonstrate the arbitrary detention because of practical difficulties in establishing evidence that Mexico refuse to disclose to the judge in France responsible for investigating the trial of MM. Genaro Garcia Luna, Luis Cardenas PALOMINO and their possible accomplices, one thing is obvious is the
television editing the arrest of Florence BREAK. But
Article 226-8 of the Penal Code would be applicable here television editing the arrest of Florence BREAK. But
. This article amended by Ordinance No. 2000-916 of 19 September 2000 - art. 3 (V) Official Journal of 22 September 2000 into force on 1 January 2002 provides: " A penalty of one year imprisonment and a 15,000 euro fine to publish the fact, by any means whatsoever, the montage with the words or image of a person without their consent, if not shown clearly that this is an installation or if not specifically mentioned.
When the offense under the preceding paragraph is committed through the press or by broadcasting, the specific legal provisions governing those matters are applicable in respect of the determination persons responsible. "
Finally why not see in these facts (arrest under conditions contrary to Article 16 of the
For this, we must not omit violation of Article 432-4 of the French Penal Code (amended by Ordinance No. 2000-916 of 19 September 2000 - Art. 3 (V) Official Journal of 22 September 2000 in force January 1, 2002) which states: " The fact of a person holding public authority or a public service mission, acting in the course of or in connection with the performance of his functions or mission, to order or perform an act arbitrarily intrusive to individual liberty is punishable by seven years' imprisonment and 100,000 euros fine .
When the act is a detention or retention lasting more than seven days , the penalty is increased to thirty years imprisonment and 450,000 euros fine
Here already some evidence for further so as not to limit this case to the defense of an innocent but also allow to continue and to try perpetrators of this crime of state.
Soap Making -use Of Fish Fat
with Juan Silva Meza on 08/02, two days before the Supreme Court decision on the case of Florence? FLORENCE
The Mexican government has claimed not to have pressured the judges of the Supreme Court . Ok! But that was with Juan Silva Meza Calderon (President of the Supreme Court) 8 February 2011, two days before the rejection of the amparo Florence ??
The Mexican government has claimed not to have pressured the judges of the Supreme Court . Ok! But that was with Juan Silva Meza Calderon (President of the Supreme Court) 8 February 2011, two days before the rejection of the amparo Florence ??
One may ask
Site of the Mexican Presidency
Bideos De Niñas Follando
Published on 25/02/2011 at 07:32 by joelmekhantar
Published on 25/02/2011 at 07:32 by joelmekhantar
It is now 1905 days as Florence BREAK subject to arbitrary detention in Mexico where she was arrested by Federal Agency Investigation (AFI) Genaro Garcia
LUNA and Luis Cardenas Palomino
two people linked to organized crime in this country 
. The first has been Minister of Public Security (after leading IFA) and the second right arm first, is, according to Mexican press, a triple murderer.
Indeed, Luis Cardenas PALOMINO (decorated by President Calderón in the photo of our previous post) that (in the story of Mexican television) is seen opening the door from the inside where the ranch was conducted by AFI Cassez (owned since the day before by AFI!) to be stopped so-called "live" is no stranger to police in Mexico!
Felipe Calderon, Genaro Garcia Luna and Luis Cardenas Palomino
It is one of the strongmen after being accused August 12, 1987, a triple murder
revealed long ago by the Mexican press . Indeed, in an article published in Leopoldo Ramos Zocalo Saltillo 1 October 2008, we learn that PALOMINO
Luis Cardenas was arrested and stuck to the murder "in cold blood" of a taxi driver in Mexico City when he was with two friends. It would have also been identified as responsible for two other murders.
Luis Cardenas was arrested and stuck to the murder "in cold blood" of a taxi driver in Mexico City when he was with two friends. It would have also been identified as responsible for two other murders.
Genero Garcia Luna As for his portrait was made in a recent article, well documented in the Journal du Dimanche (The man who owns Florence BREAK, JDD, 20 February 2011).
That of Florence which is now held hostage BREAK!
When it comes to a gross violation of fundamental rights of the human person as a result of a genuine state crime, it is the duty to denounce it and make every effort to make it stop.
In this regard, it is probably criticize Nicolas SARKOZY, for the way he led the French diplomacy in this case, including dedicating cleverly year in Florence BREAK Mexico, but it must be true: France did not allow one of its nationals imprisoned arbitrarily for over 5 years following a set Directed grotesque orchestrated by these individuals.
From this point of view, President of the French Republic is right to show the determination that some see as the arrogance in this matter .
In a country where corrupt the economy would be 78% dependent on drug money and organized crime
it is the duty to recall the principles of fundamental human rights and enforce international conventions to protect a French citizen detained arbitrarily this mafia state, "crime laboratory" of the twenty-first century (cf. Xavier RAUFER). Mexico has surpassed the Afghanistan's dangerous! ,
the Cassis must be the occasion for the French press to analyze the Mexican reality. Beyond the question of the violation of freedoms and fundamental human rights by a State (presumption of innocence, habeas corpus and prohibition of arbitrary arrest, right to a fair trial, equality of arms ,...),
strategy. Mexico, like "crime lab" of the twenty-first century is a major security threats (see especially the work of Xavier Rauf, already mentioned).
Source: JoelMekanthar
Excellent article nous ne pouvons avec lequel qu'être 200% d'accord
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Chetna And Prithvi Usa
subraya amistad con Francia Mexico weighs a Break

The French Government today reaffirmed its position on the French national
to 60 years in prison, but beyond the bilateral conflict, stressed his friendship with " the Mexican people"
French Ministry Spokesman Foreign Bernard Valero recalled the position of Paris on Cassez court case, but stressed that " no secret that the bonds of friendship between France and the Mexican people ." argues in an appearance before the press, did not directly answer the question of whether there deal with Mexico on the trial of the French convicted of kidnapping and other crimes, and has obtained support from various French authorities in his claim of being the object of an irregular procedure.
replied that " already said "what France had to say about this court case and reiterated:" maintain our support for our fellow "to beg"
his transfer to France
. The French spokesman also said to have " noted" of Mexico's decision withdraw from the organization of the Year in Mexico in France that was to be developed in 2011 with dozens of acts, many of whom are now in the air. French President Nicolas Sarkozy , had decided to devote a Cassez Florence, with its own right, "the Year of Mexico in
France , which triggered the response of Mexican authorities.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Silver Soul Emulation On Mac
défis Calderon Salazar Reyes family "end with his bloody war" Les USA capturent
MEXICO CITY, Feb. 25 (approved) .- The family Reyes Salazar lashed out against President Felipe Calderon for the deaths of three of his relatives and demanded "an end to his bloody war that the people did not ask." installed at the camp, who along with his mother Sarah and his sister Olga Salazar maintained since last Monday outside the Senate, demanding the appearance of their families had been raised by a command on February 7, Marisela Salazar said : "This man who claims to be president just came to us to militarize and federal. It sucks, here is a sample of what is happening. It sucks, soon to end it all. We demand that federal troops withdraw and that I am done with this goddamn dirty war, the people not called "
" We are giving the face with my head held high that we are clean, that we are social activists. My family is honorable, Luchist, fighting for human rights, we are a good people, the house that burned, was humble, we did by the sweat of our brow
Sisters Olga Marisela and reported that after it became public the murder of his family, the Interior Ministry issued an invitation to them to meet in the presence of staff from the Attorney General's Office,
family spokesman Reyes Salazar, Adrián Fuentes read this afternoon a statement calling for the resignation of attorney general of Chihuahua, Jorge González Nicolás, and was designated as primarily responsible for the crime of Magdalena, Elijah and Louise "
MEXICO CITY, Feb. 25 (approved) .- The family Reyes Salazar lashed out against President Felipe Calderon for the deaths of three of his relatives and demanded "an end to his bloody war that the people did not ask." installed at the camp, who along with his mother Sarah and his sister Olga Salazar maintained since last Monday outside the Senate, demanding the appearance of their families had been raised by a command on February 7, Marisela Salazar said : "This man who claims to be president just came to us to militarize and federal. It sucks, here is a sample of what is happening. It sucks, soon to end it all. We demand that federal troops withdraw and that I am done with this goddamn dirty war, the people not called "
Marisela also faced the versions that say their family has ties with organized crime.
" We are giving the face with my head held high that we are clean, that we are social activists. My family is honorable, Luchist, fighting for human rights, we are a good people, the house that burned, was humble, we did by the sweat of our brow
"he said.
this morning were located in Chihuahua the corpses of their brothers and Elijah Reyes Magdalena Salazar, as well as her sister Luisa Ornelas. but that will not go forward because the meeting simply came too late.
family spokesman Reyes Salazar, Adrián Fuentes read this afternoon a statement calling for the resignation of attorney general of Chihuahua, Jorge González Nicolás, and was designated as primarily responsible for the crime of Magdalena, Elijah and Louise "
because it can not with the charge and for failing to ensure security of life and family and the population of Ciudad Juárez ."
Source: Process
Expert Choice 11.5 Price
400-plus narcos d'origine chez eux mexicaine
capture more than 400 drug traffickers in the U.S. from Mexico
S. Miguel Cabildo
MEXICO CITY, Feb. 24 (adopted) .-
About 400 suspected Mexican drug traffickers
About 400 suspected Mexican drug traffickers
were arrested Thursday during a raid in U.S. nine states, in response to murder of an agent for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Mexico last week in San Luis Potosi.
The deputy head of the special operations division of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Carl Pike, said in Washington: " This action sent a message to the cartels, we will not tolerate the murder of a U.S. agent or any U.S. official
. "
The raid was carried out in Atlanta, San Louis, Denver, Detroit, San Antonio, San Diego, Chicago, Phoenix and New Jersey . During the operational law enforcement agencies also seized nine million dollars .
Pike explained that the nationwide sweep, which began Wednesday and runs until Friday, pointing to alleged offenders linked to Mexican cartels, is an attempt to disrupt drug trafficking in the United States.
addition to the capture of alleged Mexican drug traffickers, those who participated in the raid seized $ 4.5 million in cash and a dozen weapons. In addition, 12 kilos of methamphetamine, 107 of cocaine, heroin and 150 2.5 of marijuana in 150 locations.
"We will disrupt the distribution of narcotics in the United States, regardless of the cartel to which they are attached," said Pike. "It would be useless send a message to a cartel when they are all equally guilty. ".
The official said the raids are a direct response to the murder of Zapata, but stressed that most of the suspects were white and other research.
"People made many sacrifices" for the raids, said Pike. "It's important as a tribute to the memory of the dead agent, but also the situation compels us. If not return the blow, a member of a cartel of 18 will say, 'How did nothing, any U.S. citizen is a valid target. "
Jaime Zapata agent attached to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement United States, was assassinated last February 15 in San Luis Potosi, by suspected gunmen in the service of the organization The Zetas. During the attack, his partner, Victor Avila, was injured.
Mexican authorities who are leading investigations into the murder of Zapata, reported yesterday the arrest of one of the alleged killers of U.S. agent, identified as Julian Zapata Espinoza, El Piolin.
On offense involving police officers of the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Office of Immigration Services and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Snuff, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).
According to DEA spokesman Michael Sanders, the objective "core" of the raids was to find "any kind of intelligence or information to attackers, or to assist the FBI in its investigation Zapata agent's murder. "
One focus of the raids included obtaining information on the whereabouts of Miguel Treviño, an alleged commander of the Zetas with links to the area of Texas, reported separately by the Texas newspaper The Dallas Morning News.
Source : Process
mexicains diront Et après certains étrangers viennent foutre they will bordel au Mexique ...
How To Fake Community Service Hours?
Mexico United criticizes the judiciary
He cited as examples of violation of individual guarantees for the French citizen Cassez Florence , whose capture was recreated by the Ministry of Public Security to the media and the case against Carlos Cazares, El Charly, manager of the 'Bar', who is accused of complicity in the attack on player Salvador Cabañas.
"(The organization) is deeply disturbed by how often
Source: Process
Comme nous l 'avons my sous le titre de notre blog will Rappelle Mexico comme nous United Against Crime "in Mexico has long been the rule of law took him a bitch ..."
MEXICO, DF, February 24 (adopted) .- The organization Mexico United Against Crime on Thursday criticized the work of his justice institutions.
According to the body, judiciary representatives violate the individual rights of Mexicans therefore demanded that the Supreme Court of the Nation
review the "services "in which judges and magistrates incurred during the sufficiency of the procedures. also sued President Felipe Calderón to order an impartial investigation to punish the officials responsible for violations of due process in several cases.
In a statement, the organization headed by Eduardo Gallo said due process violations committed by Mexican institutions lead to impunity for those responsible for punishing and preventing crime repair the damage to victims.
He cited as examples of violation of individual guarantees for the French citizen Cassez Florence , whose capture was recreated by the Ministry of Public Security to the media and the case against Carlos Cazares, El Charly, manager of the 'Bar', who is accused of complicity in the attack on player Salvador Cabañas.
also mentioned the detention of three indigenous Otomi for the alleged kidnapping of six federal agents
and there were no more evidence supporting the troops said. mechanisms currently being used to combat kidnapping and other crimes, both at federal and state, violate the guarantees of due process and specifically the proper access to justice for victims, bringing new victims, abuse of power now, "strengthening impunity and corruption, and undermining our rule of law ," reads the document.
When violations of due process is not are corrected or not reset the process, he added, any resolution will have no attachment to the law, because rights were violated of those tried.
Mexico United Against Crime said that examples of Cassez, Cazares and the three Otomi Indians, amongst others, " strengthen citizen confidence in the police and to the judges, magistrates and ministers, and deepen the roots public perception that Mexico is a country where the rule of law prevails .
Source: Process
Comme nous l 'avons my sous le titre de notre blog will Rappelle Mexico comme nous United Against Crime "in Mexico has long been the rule of law took him a bitch ..."
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
1989 Chevy Silverado Efi
Elevation walls - Chapter II
Here are new photos of the progress of Masonry. It's coming along quite well:)
Here are new photos of the progress of Masonry. It's coming along quite well:)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Can Doctor Touch My Penis
Ich bin your father ... Attention Brenda
Since I confessed to my new boss that I had learned German in college high school, he thinks I am fully trilingual. French, English, German.
Except that I do not confess my true age (plus it's my birthday soon ... sigh), it makes a lease since I left high school.
long enough to have forgotten the basic vocabulary and grammar of the reflexes that made me proud.
Even so, I initiated the challenge to get back a little, and when a customer slips germanophone few Germanness in his e-mails in English, translate it to me. Finally
as I can ... anxiety takes me when I hear him say "uh ... the grocer, you speak German ..."
Argh! Today I will be unmasked.
this morning, so I hear the phrase that I care about the pressure ... "Said the grocer, in German, what does it mean that?"
I recall the basics
Ich heiße the grocer Jahre alt Ich bin xx.
And he showed me his screen:
"What does that mean the code, then with the two points?" he said ...
My honor is trilingual except ...
Hers, however, a little less!
Win: 5 / 5
Glamour: 2 / 5
Since I confessed to my new boss that I had learned German in college high school, he thinks I am fully trilingual. French, English, German.
Except that I do not confess my true age (plus it's my birthday soon ... sigh), it makes a lease since I left high school.
long enough to have forgotten the basic vocabulary and grammar of the reflexes that made me proud.
Even so, I initiated the challenge to get back a little, and when a customer slips germanophone few Germanness in his e-mails in English, translate it to me. Finally
as I can ... anxiety takes me when I hear him say "uh ... the grocer, you speak German ..."
Argh! Today I will be unmasked.
this morning, so I hear the phrase that I care about the pressure ... "Said the grocer, in German, what does it mean that?"
I recall the basics
Ich heiße the grocer Jahre alt Ich bin xx.
And he showed me his screen:

My honor is trilingual except ...
Hers, however, a little less!
Win: 5 / 5
Glamour: 2 / 5
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