There are some time now (oh yes, it goes!) I spoke of my concerns "SBF" (No Fixed Office) in one of my clients . Well, imagine that the situation has changed recently ... Indeed, everyone has moved a few weeks ago, for other offices, and this time with a place for everyone, including consultants!
Firstly we have not dared to believe: a desk, chair, telephone registrants, oh no, it was too much emotion at once ... Mostly it was more noisy open space, but office about 5 people. And the consultants (ours so ... Try to follow some course), was the most spacious and bright. It must be said that enough of us finally compared to the rest of the team. And again our office could serve as a meeting room. But (because of course there is a "but "!)... All this was before Mister BigBurnes get involved. Well yes, because he liked using his leader does not trust him the most beautiful offices in HIM. Our client directly, she made fun of his office: she had found our nice, but that's all, it was hers as well eventually.
Mister BigBurnes decided to make a direct email to Big Boss, to explain by (r) A (ison borked) plus B (ourrage skull) that the office he had to AB-SO-LU- MENT. Because it would have pleeeeein trainees to him, because he needed room for pleiiiin's belongings (although basic it should be noted that both offices have the same number of vacancies). And finally, because he asked, and that's what Mister BigBurnes, not just a consultant.
course, Big Boss, fun (dare I say he planned it all almost purposely?), Agreed. And Mister BigBurnes was seeing our client, that too nicely, did not dare say (although it might equally have claimed the office, or insist that they stay).
All this of course I only knew that afterwards, when the other day Mister BigBurnes arrives, very proud, and announces with a grin that our days are numbered here.
He makes it clear that he will also ask to be moving our office which is less beautiful than his own (he keeps). As our caissons. By cons, he left us his rotten cabinet. In short, it is what interests, we leave the rest, without giving us choices, while the smiling smugly. Because, after all, he is too proud of himself. The fittest, we have not invented anything better!
Welcome to the jungle ...
Win: 3 / 5 (we do have an office for us!)
Glamour: 2 / 5
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