Friday, March 4, 2011

Nadine Jansen Break-in

"Presumed Guilty" suspendu! Manlio Fabio Beltrones

03/03/2011 him Publié par "Le Grand Journal"

Suite à la plainte Daniel Reyes Victor Bravo, unique Témoin lors du jugement à charge d ' Antonio Zuñiga
, condamner à 20 ans de prison avant d'être finalement absolves, the remarkable documentary "presunto culpable" was suspended for at least 24 hours.

pressures weighing on the shoulders of Daniel Reyes Víctor Bravo . It still maintains that the lawyer and producer of the documentary film, Roberto Hernández, after learning his claim of "amparo," which led to a temporary suspension of the film for at least 24 hours. His complaint to the SEGOB was rejected a few days earlier.
If the administrative law judge grants permanent stay in an emergency, the film boasts a great success in the restaurant may not be screened before six months, the time falls on the trial verdict.
"Quelqu'un utilis Victor, des personnes qui convient à ce système in ruine"
reckoning, pour sa part, Ana Laura Magaloni, the executive productrice du documentaire.

Source: LeGrandJournal


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