Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pathophysiology Of Cellulitis Infection

What was behind the head AID posting a panties?

For those who do not subscribe to "Freeze", here is a digest of the latest article chronicles Alain Korkos entitled The panties Iwo Jima .
The poster announcing the Jumble of Fashion for the benefit of Aides, to be held on Saturday 5 and Sunday, December 6, 2009 in Paris with the famous photo Iwo Jima , and we takes a little why. Yes, the fight the cons AIDS is a real fight, okay. But using symbols amerlocains with little echo by-shih Us is perhaps not the most appropriate way of saying things.

follows is a brief history .
The Battle of Iwo Jima pitted States - States and Japan during the Second World War. On 23 February 1945, the Americans conquered the island and plant a flag.

Two photos are taken by Lou Lowery , they show the 2nd Battalion, 28th Marines planting said flag atop Mount Suribachi at 10:20 am, February 23, 1945. The film

Flags of Our of Fathers Clint Eastwood tells vision amerlocaine the Battle of Iwo Jima , including the story - a tad watered down - in this photo.
The film Clint Eastwood was released in France under the title Flags of Our Fathers. On the French poster, a reference to the flag of Iwo Jima disappeared. Behind every soldier a hero lies says the slogan.

On the poster for the sellout for the fight against AIDS , the banner has been replaced by a panty which is stuck on the famous red ribbon.

One wonders indeed if the Aides would not have been more inspired by taking the French poster and slogan. One might think that behind every person who fights against the soldier lies a hero. Again, communication experts were wrong and have focused on side tout, humorĂ­stico-aesthetic-poupoum . The poster is beautiful, but certainly pretty meaningless in my opinion.


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