This week I was called a "conference" (watch you leave the big words) on the RSPs.
- The quoiii?
The RSPs ... Psycho Social Hazards at Work.
- Aaahh ... (the what?)
No need to work in an environment of yuppies ready to strike out the suit you their baby teeth sharp for heard of these waves of suicides in different boxes that have made the front in recent months.
Besides the fact that the practitioner was using an ill-concealed condescension toward the poor population lacks engineers left hemisphere we are (emotion? Not know, give me the rather equation that goes with it), the avowed approach to present the risks by the company in case of ill-being of the employee immediately put evil al comfortable most of his hearing. Including me. The
psychos social unrest would be responsible for (warning flood of numbers without context to calm the live audience):
- a loss of 3% of GDP of a country due to absenteeism or other demotivation
- 20 to 30 % of employees called "hyper-stress" (nan because "'Wait, we do not use exactly the terms in the same direction as you, poor ignorant) majority of whom are women.
- a majority of suicide-employed men but 10% more of way to act on behalf of women employees (basically, women miss more often ...).
The story does not specify the social category or other details that would allow you to put anything in perspective ...
Yours to imagine the worst!
"Ah, but Madame Minister Lagarde has published a report showing that women tend to be increasingly present in positions to responsibilities I do not think that AC is the cause "
Phew! Thank you for that, if Ms. Bakoyannis said so ...
the rest Kalach 'Minette!
Brief you stay on the impression of an endless frustrating introduction to something you will not see color.
And finally I realized that if this presentation had been so nervous, c ' was largely because it touches a subject that speaks to everyone, psychology.
quality or counter, we all do use and bludgeon the truth when everything is up for discussion is the challenge ...
There were material anyway to thinking - let's not be too sarcastic - including a debate that I thought I a satisfactory and unequivocal:
"Stress makes it more effective?"
In a first burst on trust, I say yes without hesitation!
Yes, if I have two days to finish a record I'd be more motivated if I know that m is 20. Yes a presentation to the pundits will boost me and I pay more attention as compared to lambda store for next week.
It was also of the meaning of some responses of assistance.
But this man of assistance sowed doubt when he said "If the job is stressful, that it is poorly organized by those who give. " Whispers in the room, nobody dares to argue too ...
This man is a quality engineer, who has participated in many projects under the ramp lights.
This man is a man respected by all professionally, personally by many.
This man, it's a friend.
This man has attempted suicide the previous year, bringing in its wake our certainties and our serenity, upsetting our vision of work and well be apparent that the people we interact meadows.
This man may be right ... ?
And you stress? motor or ball?
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