Recently I am facing a big challenge professional. The office atmosphere had changed, was heavy and tight.
Tough in this case to arrive all smiles in the morning. I felt like dragging a pile of manure behind me. Blurp.
However, my work itself still largely satisfy me. When I managed to close my hatch and my radar-de-tension (you know, this little 6th sense that makes you feel the heavy atmosphere, despite you?), Everything was fine. But the concentration was of short duration, and bump in an open-space, I quickly plunged back into the maze of bitching, shouting matches or whatnot.
Many of my colleagues From thought, ras-le-bol of the situation, the coup did nothing, the slightest annoyance seemed an unbridgeable gulf. And I assure you that this kind of atmosphere is very contagious. Anyway
home. I aspire to be a sponge emotions around me.
Finally, I asked myself what was I loved coming to work.
work "art"? Colleagues from work? Both, but what balance?

the fact that you can take breaks laughs, talking about anything but work.
I could not stand, as my colleague opposite, to hide all personal to attach myself to do my job in itself whatever happens.
Besides, she also had finally been contaminated by the atmosphere tense. Like what ...
But I'd be able to do a rotten job in a good mood?
No more.
What attracts me in work, it's a nice balance between the two, but when one really starts to weigh heavy, the other eventually lose its importance, then it should catch the balance.
No, when one of them weighs too heavy, I just want to send all waltz. And there's really nothing that will.
And you, what keeps you working?
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