Draw is won! The first Block
If like me you need to draw plans, and you prefer to use your PC to the graph paper, then I urge you to immediately test the application for creating online map for free (but limited) Floorplanner.
I did that quickly tested, after creating my account in seconds, but first impressions let me say that the application is relatively simple, fun and makes a few mouse clicks draw plans of your home in 2D. 3D visualization is also available and allow libraries to quickly set your plans in various furniture and other objects for a better view of space and potential development.
To test the application and use your talents as an architect, visit www.floorplanner.com .
In the same vein, I had the opportunity to test the application 3DHD Architect Pro Micro Application. It is, cons of software to install on your PC (not an online application), which seems more complete but is chargeable.
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