Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bideos De Niñas Follando


Published on 25/02/2011 at 07:32 by joelmekhantar

two people linked to organized crime in this country
. The first has been Minister of Public Security (after leading IFA) and the second right arm first, is, according to Mexican press, a triple murderer.
Indeed, Luis Cardenas PALOMINO (decorated by President Calderón in the photo of our previous post) that (in the story of Mexican television) is seen opening the door from the inside where the ranch was conducted by AFI Cassez (owned since the day before by AFI!) to be stopped so-called "live" is no stranger to police in Mexico!

Felipe Calderon, Genaro Garcia Luna and Luis Cardenas Palomino

It is one of the strongmen after being accused August 12, 1987, a triple murder
revealed long ago by the Mexican press
. Indeed, in an article published in Leopoldo Ramos Zocalo Saltillo 1 October 2008, we learn that PALOMINO
Luis Cardenas was arrested and stuck to the murder "in cold blood" of a taxi driver in Mexico City when he was with two friends. It would have also been identified as responsible for two other murders.
Genero Garcia Luna As for his portrait was made in a recent article, well documented in the Journal du Dimanche (The man who owns Florence BREAK, JDD, 20 February 2011).

That of Florence which is now held hostage BREAK!
So we must stop talking about Mexican justice, sovereignty, rule of law and raise all these arguments do not hold

When it comes to a gross violation of fundamental rights of the human person as a result of a genuine state crime, it is the duty to denounce it and make every effort to make it stop.

In this regard, it is probably criticize Nicolas SARKOZY, for the way he led the French diplomacy in this case, including dedicating cleverly year in Florence BREAK Mexico, but it must be true: France did not allow one of its nationals imprisoned arbitrarily for over 5 years following a set Directed grotesque orchestrated by these individuals.

From this point of view, President of the French Republic is right to show the determination that some see as the arrogance in this matter .
In a country where corrupt the economy would be 78% dependent on drug money and organized crime
it is the duty to recall the principles of fundamental human rights and enforce international conventions to protect a French citizen detained arbitrarily this mafia state, "crime laboratory" of the twenty-first century (cf. Xavier RAUFER). Mexico has surpassed the Afghanistan's dangerous!

the Cassis must be the occasion for the French press to analyze the Mexican reality. Beyond the question of the violation of freedoms and fundamental human rights by a State (presumption of innocence, habeas corpus and prohibition of arbitrary arrest, right to a fair trial, equality of arms ,...),
the case comes here BREAK corroborate expert analysis
strategy. Mexico, like "crime lab" of the twenty-first century is a major security threats (see especially the work of Xavier Rauf, already mentioned).

Source: JoelMekanthar

Excellent article nous ne pouvons avec lequel qu'être 200% d'accord


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